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Spanish Transcription 

/93/ La más verdadera Relación que se ha podido tomar de los javos y su modo de pelear y armas es desta manera: 

Los javos son de la color de estos moros, algo más fornidos. Andan motilados quítanse la barba y el que tiene bigote lo deja crecer lo demás todo lo quitan. El vestido que traen es una ropa cerrada escotado el cuello con mangas largas hasta la muñeca y cerrada larga hasta la rodilla poco menos que un jeme, y al cuerpo ceñida una manta que le da tres o quatro vueltas larga hasta la espinilla y más baja. Y la ropa y manta de la color que a cada uno le da gusto. Y en la cabeza una toca larga que le da vueltas a la cabeza; este hábito traen en paz y guerra salvo que en la guerra como la manta es larga la recogen por entre las piernas recogiéndola a la cintura. No traen çapatos ni otra cosa. Las armas que tienen para pelear es pica y rodela, la rodela enbraçada y la pica con ambas manos. Así da las rodelas dellas redondas grandes y dellas como pavés largo, traen una daga larga de dos palmos que se llama cris; es el hierro della culebreado, por la mayor parte traen yerba en el hierro della y la herida que con ella dan si trae yerba el cris es de muerte. El hierro de la pica es ni más ni menos culebreado como el cris. Y al jabo que su contrario le da picas o si le pasa el cuerpo va se metiendo jalando por el asta hasta llegar a herir a su enemigo si puede. Así mismo algunos dellos traen alfanjes largos como cuchillos de monte corvado y tráenlos con una anta que cuelga del hombro como tiracuello. Suélense hacer amucos y el hacerse amuco es para ir a morir y es de esta manera: sángranse y esta sangre échanla en agua, vino y beben della y toman çierta yerba que se llama antion que es de grandísimo vigor y fuerça que los


/93v/ saca de sentido y alborota y pone furor y de esta manera acometen a sus enemigos dicien- do amuco amuco. Desta manera han de vencer o morir. Traen versería en sus navíos. Arcabuz no le usan sino es que entre ellos hay otra naçión que lo use y se junten de concierto para contra otros. No tienen armas defensivas ni se sabe que las traigan y si algunos las traen que son mandadores. Traen unos como coseletes hechos de cuero de carabao.

Luis Barandica Martínez. El Códice Boxer. Edición moderna de un manuscrito del siglo XVI. 2019. 

English Translation

The Truest Account That has been Possible to Compile Concerning the Javanese and their Manner of Fighting is as Follows

The Javanese have the same skin color as the rest of these Moros, though they are a little brawnier. They shave their heads and beards, but if a man can grow a moustache he lets it grow while removing the rest of his hair.

The clothing worn by men is a wrapped cloth with a v-shaped collar and long sleeves that reach to the wrists; it extends a little less than a geme above the knee and is tight-fitting. An outer cloth is wrapped tightly around the body three or four times and extends to shin level. These two cloths are of whatever color the wearer wishes. On their heads they wear a long headdress that they wrap around their heads. This is their custom in peace and in war, except that because the outer cloth is long, in times of war they pass it between their legs and gather it at their waists. They do not wear shoes or anything else on their feet. Their weapons for fighting are pikes and bucklers. They carry their bucklers on their arms and grasp their pikes with both hands. Their bucklers are big and round, like a long pavise. They wear a long dagger two spans in length, which they call a kris; most of the blade is wavy. The iron is usually laced with poison, and if it is so laced, the wound inflicted with it is lethal. The iron of the pike is just as wavy as that of the kris, and a Javanese fighter will attempt to pierce his opponent’s body by thrusting his pike back and forth while grasping the shaft. Some of them also brandish long cutlasses, which are like long forest knives, and they wear them on a kind of sword belt that hangs from their shoulders.They often become amoq; they become amoq when they face death. And this is how it is done: they bleed themselves and then mix this blood with watered-down wine and drink it; they also ingest a certain herb called opium,6 which gives them considerable vigor and strength.


[93v] It makes them lose their minds and sends them into a frenzy, and in this state they set upon their enemies, shrieking amoq, amoq!, and in this way they will either defeat them or be killed. They carry versos on their ships. They do not use harquebuses, unless they fight alongside men from other nations who use them with whom they form an alliance against other nations. They do not have any defensive weapons, nor does it appear that they bring them in from outside their land. And if any messengers do bring them in from outside, the weapons they bring resemble cuirasses made from carabao leather.

George Bryan Souza and Jeffrey Scott. The Boxer Codex: Transcription and Translation. 2016.

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